The Taxes and Insurance went down in 2023. New projects for administration to be completed early 2024 Painting meeting room and installing a new floor. The Office had a quiet year but reported that the use of the Meeting Room by Members for private events has increased. Thank you, Russ Toler Administration Director
BEACH 2023
Beach Director Eric Tessler expressed his gratitude to the Directors, Lifeguards and Scott Favero Area Manager for helping every day. Had some Maintenance Issues and rented a long reach to Drudge Sands. Big Plans for 2024 Slide and/or Diving platform Insurance will only increase 1%. Thank you, Eric Tessler Beach Director
Area 2023
Vice Present and Area Director Justen Bohac reported that new road signs were added and also tackled a few new projects, started a New Pickle Court which should be finished this spring and poured concrete pads for 12 new park benches.
Sincerely, Justen Bohac Area Director
Fishing 2023
AGES 6-11 1st. Abel Rodriguez 17.7 lbs. 2nd. Edward Davies 17.4 lbs. 3rd- John Burissa 16.8 lbs. Biggest Fish Abel Rodriguez 6.12 lbs.
We had a great 2023 Fishing Season! Trout day and the Kids Fishing Derby where a huge success, and it seems the numbers for the Kids Fishing Derby increasing every year, I'm happy to see that! We got a decent amount of projects completed this year, just to list a few, a new dock on Moose lake in Sunset Bay, new concrete boat ramp in Beach Lake.( My plan going forward would be to try and redo a ramp a year in concrete it really makes things look nice.) Also, able to seal coat all the existing asphalt ramps so hopefully we get some extended life out of those. We also continued our structure plan with sinking habitat throughout the year and in 2024 I've got some really good ideas for some pipe that was donated from M & J Underground! Thank you to M & J Underground and Thank you again to the Braidwood Lions Club for the left over tree donations and every member who donated, we really appreciated it! Also, if you have not saw the plaque behind you we had that made for all the Lifetime fishing Council Members that is a huge accomplishment for their commitment for 25 years and over to the fishing council. Thank to all the those that are here with us and to those who are no longer with us.
The rearing ponds worked out great for us again this year and the size on the fish we seined were incredible! I want to take time to Thank a few people, everyone on the Fishing Council members for all there had work this year, without you guys it would make it extremely difficult if not impossible for our club to have the fishery it does! Specials thank you to The Polka Dot, Angelo's, Subway, Dairy Queen and Ace Hardware for all your generous donations for the Kids Fishing Derby this year! The ladies who helped me out serving hotdogs and chips at the kids fishing derby that's such a help while we're busy weighing fish! I would also like to thank everyone of the Directors who has helped me out in one way shape or form this year, its greatly appreciated! And lastly Thank you to Rich Friddle and Al Crisco for all their years of hard work and dedication to this Rec Club! Enjoy Retirement Guys! I'm looking forward to a great 2024 season and I hope to see you all out and about in a few short months. Please feel free to reach out to me with any fishing questions or club related questions anytime! Thank you.
Thank you. Tyler Geiss Fishing Director
Pro Shop 2023
The Pro Shop had a great year, Play was up from last year. A busy year, 19 golf outings, fundraisers, and also had an acoustic country artist play on the Pro Shop Deck. Pro Shop now has a Raffle License for Pull Tabs bringing in extra revenue. I would like to Thank Lois and the Pro Shop Staff for all their hard work this season and Jen in the Office for all her help.
Thank you, Dan Belcher Pro Shop Director
Roads 2023
Dug ditches for water run off along the roads, trim trees and also put grindings along the spillway. Cleaned off the edge of the main roads from gate to the stop sign by the golf course.
Extended the culvert between halls farm and the bathrooms by coyote camp ground and made new parking spots around the club along roads.
For Fisherman or Club Members lowered the outer drive between Braidwood chain and Custer Chain. Cleaned up Sands Road and removed trees and leveled the ground for future expansion
Thank you, Bud Montana Roads Director
Golf 2023
Golf Director Al Crisco, discussed golf projects adding a new Dock, renting 60-foot man lift to trim trees and fixing plugged sprinklers. He stated that Silver Oaks Golf Course had a good year and only closed once all year. Director Crisco thanked all the Golf Crew for making him look good and being great mechanics, so they never have to send machines out. Golf Members now exceed over 340. Director Crisco has stated in the past that if membership ever exceeds over 325 it would allow the golf coarse to occur enough money to cover golf course Maintenance. The Golf Corse was able to pay off Greens Mower a year ahead of schedule. Thank you, Al Crisco Golf Director
Gate & Fence 2023
Gate Director Troy Ehringer stated that the Gate went smoothly except for a power outage in August from a bad storm. Thank all the Gate Guards, Scott & Area crew, Lois & Jen in the office and all the Directors. Looking forward to a good 2024.
Alot of activities this year, new activity lightings Bingo went great, had a successful members picnic. Thank Lois, Jen, Scott, and the Area guys. Thank you to all the Board Members, Pleasure serving with Rich Friddle and Al Crisco, they will be missed. Special Thanks to Luann Bolatto and Amy Foster for all their dedication, membership would not be so successful without these ladies.
Sincerely, Mike Foster Membership & Activities Director
Concession 2023
Concession had 15 employees this season concession /janitors, which accounted for most of the budget being payroll. Concession had some Maintenace issues, an exhaust fan went out and 2 freezers at a loss of $2500 worth of ice-cream. Director Stewart thanked employees Lois, Janitors and Concession Staff. Also, thanked Rich Friddle and Al Crisco for their time on the Board of Directors.